Elizabeth Derryberry
Phone lab
Elizabeth Derryberry
Professor & Director ‘Easy as Play’
Research Interest
Behavioral evolution and phylogenetics
2007 – Ph.D., Duke University (Biology)
2000 – A.B. Princeton University (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Our work on animal communication involves research that integrates behavioral and evolutionary ecology. We use a variety of methods and approaches including phylogenetic analysis, genomics, and field experiments of behavioral interactions to address the proximate and ultimate factors controlling variation in signals and signaling. We conduct the majority of our behavioral research on the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), which is a well-studied model organism for research on learning, communication and signal evolution. We also use comparative approaches to assess the tempo and mode of diversification and signal evolution in Neotropical suboscines (Aves: Tyranni).
Please visit Google Scholar to see publications coming out of the lab.