Nadejda B. Sero
Nadejda B. Sero
Graduate Student
Research Interest
conservation ecology, bottom-up vs. top-down drivers of plant population dynamics, ecological/mathematical modeling, fire ecology, plant-soil feedback
Faculty Advisor
Degree Pursuing
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin , Master of Science in Statistics, major Biostatistics , 2017
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin , Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Natural Resources Management, 2014
My research interest is in Conservation Biology and Ecological Modeling. My current research focuses on the relative role of the bottom-up (abiotic) and top-down (biotic) drivers in ecological resilience. Particularly, I am interested in modeling the ecological effects of multiple stressors on plant population demography (growth, fertility, survival) and dynamics in stochastic environments.