Richard Norby
Richard Norby
Research Professor
Research Interest
Ecosystem ecology, global change ecology
B.A. in Chemistry, Carleton College, 1972
Ph.D. in Forestry and Botany, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981
Effects of CO2 enrichment on tree growth and forest metabolism, ecosystem responses to atmospheric and climatic change, carbon and nitrogen cycling in diverse ecosystems, forest tree physiology and plant physiological ecology, synthesis of experimental results to inform models
(complete list on personal website)
Cabugao KG, Yaffar D, Stenson N, Childs J, Phillips J, Mayes MA, Yang X, Weston DJ, Norby RJ. 2021. Bringing function to structure: Root-soil interactions shaping phosphatase activity throughout a soil profile in Puerto Rico. Ecology and Evolution.
Yaffar D, Norby RJ. A historical and comparative review of 50 years of root data collection in Puerto Rico. Biotropica 52: 563-576.
Norby RJ, Childs J, Hanson PJ, Warren JM. 2019. Rapid loss of an ecosystem engineer: Sphagnum decline in an experimentally warmed bog. Ecology and Evolution 9:12571-12585.
Norby RJ, De Kauwe MG, Domingues TF, Duursma RA, Ellsworth DS, Goll DS, Lapola DL, Luus KA, MacKenzie AR, Medlyn BE, Pavlick R, Rammig A, Smith B, Thomas R, Thonicke K, Walker AP, Yang X, Zaehle S. 2016. Model-data synthesis for the next generation of forest FACE experiments. New Phytologist 209: 17-28.
Norby RJ, Zak DR. 2011. Ecological lessons from free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 42: 181-203.
Norby RJ, Warren JM, Iversen CM, Medlyn BE, McMurtrie RE. 2010. CO2 enhancement of forest productivity constrained by limited nitrogen availability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 19368-19373.