Mass extinction of Pacific Island Birds
Research Assistant Professor Alison Boyer was interviewed today on local NPR station WUOT about her recent PNAS paper about extinctions of birds on Pacific islands. The interview can be heard here.
by armsworth
Research Assistant Professor Alison Boyer was interviewed today on local NPR station WUOT about her recent PNAS paper about extinctions of birds on Pacific islands. The interview can be heard here.
by artsciweb
UTK Distinguished Professor Sergey Gavrilets’ work on the evolution of monogamy, published in PNAS, has been featured in an article in the online magazine Slate. In his model, low-ranked males begin providing resources to females, who begin selecting them rather than higher-ranked males. Such behavior then becomes optimal for males higher and higher up the hierarchy.
by artsciweb
UTK Distinguished Professor Sergey Gavrilets’ work on the evolution of monogamy, published in PNAS, has been featured in an article in the online magazine Slate. In his model, low-ranked males begin providing resources to females, who begin selecting them rather than higher-ranked males. Such behavior then becomes optimal for males higher and higher up the hierarchy.